We Are Capable of Change

We are capable of change.

One thing Corona has shown us is that we as a people can act dramatically when confronted with a big challenge. That we can solve our problems and act with speed and energy when we summon the will to do so. It’s something human beings are very good at – acting in a crisis.
While we as a people have many strengths, something we struggle with is looking ahead and planning for the future. That is why it took so long for many countries to enact effective protections against this virus. We only feel a sense of urgency when we are directly up against the problem.

By the same logic that is why WV has never taken the steps necessary to transform our economy. Because looking ahead and planning for the future are difficult. The simple truth is that WV needed a diversified economy decades ago. The problem was clear for everyone to see. Imagine what WV would look like today had we acted…our population growing, our people free of addiction, well-paying jobs for everyone, an education system that is best in the nation, and small businesses thriving. Instead 10,000 people flee this state every year, salaries are bottom in the nation, an entire generation is struggling with addiction, and our education system is underfunded and overwhelmed. That is the price of inaction and the price all of us pay every day.

And yet even now as we face these consequences head on, still I sense no sense of urgency from our elected leaders. Where is their fire for change, their desire to help their neighbors? More business as usual, more WV limping along. More inaction. More of the same. I’m tired of the same from our elected leaders, very, very tired.

This election, no matter which party you support, do your research. Democracy is hard and it takes work. Choose a candidate who inspires you and embodies the best of humanity. Because we are going to need them. We are capable of change. We can solve our problems. And the time to act is now.